Supervision Guidelines for Students – Section 10: Appendix 2 – Checklist for Students
I chose my supervisor (or agreed to the choice) after appropriate review of supervisor options.
During my initial meetings with my supervisor, I have discussed the following topics:
Potential or actual thesis topic
Applying for scholarships and awards
Teaching assistantships
Availability of space
Expected hours of work
Timelines and major milestones including anticipated program completion time
When and how a supervisory committee will be chosen
Nature of guidance
Frequency and style of meetings
Who arranges meetings with the supervisor and the supervisory committee
Methods of informal communication
Turnaround time for major questions, drafts of thesis chapters, publications (as applicable)
Turnaround time for conference presentations (as applicable)
Intellectual property (IP) issues (for example, ownership of data, authorship on publications, conference presentations, industry involvement, thesis publication embargoes, patents, etc.)
I understand, and have discussed with my supervisor, my program requirements including (not all may be applicable):
Required courses
Extra courses
Language/breadth requirement
Comprehensive/field/qualifying exam
Seminar attendance
Ethics review
Thesis proposal
Other (specify)
I am aware of all relevant policies and regulations of my graduate unit, the School of Graduate Studies, and the University. I know where I can find these documents when needed.