Program Overview
The Department of Philosophy offers two degree programs, Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy.
Students may also be interested in the combined degree program in Law, Juris Doctor / Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy (JD/PhD), which enables students to pursue work at the intersection of philosophy and law and to complete both the PhD and the JD programs in a shorter time than it would take to complete the degrees separately.
Applicants should consult the department’s website for complete details of graduate programs, course offerings, and short academic profiles of the graduate faculty.
Quick Facts
Domestic | International | |
Application deadline | MA, PhD: Fall 2024 Entry 10-Jan-2024, 12 PM EST | MA, PhD: Fall 2024 Entry 10-Jan-2024, 12 PM EST |
Minimum admission average | MA: | PhD:MA: | PhD:
Direct entry option from bachelor's to PhD? | PhD: Yes | PhD: Yes |
Is a supervisor identified before or after admission? | PhD: After | PhD: After |
If a supervisor is identified after admission (as per question above), is admission conditional upon securing a supervisor? | PhD: No | PhD: No |
Is a supervisor assigned by the graduate unit or secured by the applicant? | PhD: Applicant | PhD: Applicant |
Are any standardized tests required/recommended? | MA, PhD: NA | MA, PhD: NA |

“The graduate school experience has taught me to take calculated risks and be brave when it comes to being an explorer of science.”
- Mark Bloom
- PhD (2018), Cell & Systems Biology