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Nutritional Sciences

Program Overview

The Department of Nutritional Sciences offers advanced studies leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in the basic science, clinical, and community aspects of human nutrition. Research projects range from the molecular to the community level of inquiry. Applicants with appropriate preparation in health sciences will be admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies.

Applicants interested in pursuing a Master of Public Health degree in Nutrition and Dietetics are advised to consult the Public Health Sciences​ program web page.

Students may also be interested in the combined degree program in Medicine, Doctor of / Doctor of Philosophy (MD/PhD).

See video: Explore Graduate Programs at the Faculty of Medicine

Quick Facts

Domestic International
Application deadline MSc, PhD:

Fall 2024 Entry

Round 1

January 15, 2024


Round 2

June 15, 2024


MSc, PhD:

Fall 2024 Entry

Round 1

January 1, 2024


Round 2

June 15, 2024

Minimum admission average MSc:

A- (80-84%) in the final two years


A- (80-84%) in the final two years


A- (80-84%) in the final two years


A- (80-84%) in the final two years

Direct entry option from bachelor's to PhD? PhD:




Is a supervisor identified before or after admission? MSc, PhD:


MSc, PhD:


If a supervisor is identified after admission (as per question above), is admission conditional upon securing a supervisor? MSc, PhD:

Yes (departmental acceptance is conditional)

MSc, PhD:

Yes (departmental acceptance is conditional)

Is a supervisor assigned by the graduate unit or secured by the applicant? MSc, PhD:

Secured by the applicant

MSc, PhD:

Secured by the applicant

Are any standardized tests required/recommended? MSc, PhD:


MSc, PhD:

English Proficiency Exam (TOEFL or IELTS) – from applicants who have not received their prior academic preparation in an English language setting (minimum of five years).

Daiva Nielsen

“The faculty members inspire me to reach my best potential.”

Daiva Nielsen
Alumna, PhD (2014), Nutritonal Sciences​​ , Winner, 2014 Provincial Three Minute Thesis (3MT®)
Full Profile