Vincent Cheung

Vincent Cheung
Alumnus, PhD (2013), Electrical & Computer Engineering
“I am discovering my calling as an entrepreneur.”
I had to choose between two graduate schools: U of T and Stanford. I chose U of T because I already had a thesis advisor — a top researcher — with great connections to industry research labs. It perfectly matched my research area of interest. The other factor was that an NSERC [Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada] fellowship covered my tuition and living costs.
I always had a passion for computers, programming, algorithms, and solving problems. The program has allowed me to pursue my interests while exploring different possibilities. Above all, I am achieving my potential. What I learned in the classroom and in my own research naturally led me to start my own company.
I learned from top researchers in my field and collaborated with researchers in different departments. I had an opportunity to intern at both Microsoft Research and Google. My home department [Electrical and Computer Engineering], the U of T commercialization group, the Rotman School of Management, and MaRS provided advice, assistance, and support for my start-up company.
The highlight of my experience at U of T was growing as an individual — becoming my own person. It is broadening my views of the world, and I am discovering my calling as an entrepreneur.