Nicole Ricker

Nicole Ricker
Alumna, PhD (2016), Environmental Science
“My advisor has been the most remarkable part of my studies.”
I am from Southampton, Ontario. I worked as a technician at U of T before deciding to return to graduate studies, but I specifically chose to study at UTSC because of their environmental sciences programs and the excellent research undertaken by the faculty in this department.
I am studying bacterial genetics in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at UTSC. I am specifically interested in the genes involved in bacterial adaptation to pollutants in the environment.
My advisor has been the most remarkable part of my studies. She has been the perfect mix of supporting and critical, and has shown me the type of researcher I’d like to be.
For students who are truly passionate about their research, graduate school is a great opportunity to meet other students and researchers and exchange ideas as colleagues.
A remarkable part of my studies at U of T is winning a Weston Scholarship. I have a trip to Belgium planned as a result.
I plan to continue in research after graduation.