Mu-Qing Huang

Mu-Qing Huang
Alumna (2012), Master of Science in Forestry
“I love my program, and U of T certainly made it even more enjoyable.”
What I like the most about U of T is that it has a very collaborative, rather than competitive, research spirit. It is very easy to find support from professors and students in other departments. The ease of communication across departments makes all the research projects highly innovative and integrative.
U of T has some of the best university libraries in Canada. Academic resources, ranging from journal articles to software licensing, are abundant. All of these create a very supportive and comfortable academic environment.
I enjoy my class discussions — there is nothing like a lively and intellectual discussion. I learn a lot from class discussions and that expands my learning horizon to include alternative viewpoints. The discussions are intellectually challenging and stimulating and are often very analytical; yet they are very friendly and non-judgmental.
My advice to prospective students is that choosing the right program is the most important decision you will make. Choosing the right program will bring satisfaction, regardless of the university you choose. After you have selected the right program, the university you choose will further enhance your experience. I love my program, and U of T certainly made it even more enjoyable.