Lisa Haley

Lisa Haley
Senior Advisor & Manager, Program Completion and Postdoctoral Services, School of Graduate Studies
“I am always happy to introduce such a diverse body of people to an equally diverse city.”
I arrived at the University of Toronto as a student, completing a BA through New College and later an MA in the Department of English. I realized during the course of the latter degree that I was not interested in the route that such a degree might lead me, but I couldn’t let go of the academic setting or experience!
Since my arrival in Toronto in 1987, my most significant career experiences have taken place at U of T.
I have the great fortune to oversee two of the offices that concern the happiest times in a student’s life: a successful thesis defence and graduation! The students I meet are happy with their achievement and looking forward to the next stage in their career; it is delightful to be able to partake in their successes and hopes for the future.
My own portfolio concerns postdoctoral fellows, always a fascinating group. The majority of our postdocs are international, and it is a privilege to meet people from many different parts of the world. I am always happy to introduce such a diverse body of people to an equally diverse city. The postdoctoral landscape across Canada is a constantly shifting one, and it is deeply satisfying to be part of the changes that are occurring here and elsewhere.
Postdocs are here to work with our remarkable faculty on innovative research; it is fascinating to hear about the projects that are being undertaken across the divisions. I was particularly pleased to hear from a neuroscientist postdoc that my one to two cups of daily coffee intake may be helpful in staving off some degenerative brain diseases!
Working at SGS in particular has been a wonderful and rewarding experience. Over the years, I have met and worked with a large number of impressive faculty and administrative staff, and I have had the chance to be involved in committees that effect policy changes. Because postdocs are a small group at the University (relative to graduate students), my work also takes me outside U of T to share and collaborate with staff at other institutions. Working with postdocs is truly a global experience!