Karl Manis

Karl Manis
PhD '23, Department of English, Faculty of Arts & Science
Dr. Karl Manis has a PhD in English from the University of Toronto, where he is currently a postdoctoral fellow. His research and teaching span the fields of literature, media studies and digital culture. His SSHRC-funded doctoral research examined how recent fiction adapts and absorbs changing technological milieus, with a focus on the sensory and embodied experiences of reading. His current work includes ongoing projects on how narrative fiction (including novels, films and video games) reimagines past and present media technologies; and on computational approaches to literary and cultural analysis. Dr. Manis also has experience as an educational developer and trainer for graduate student teachers, and he is a recipient of the Department of English President’s Teaching Award. His writing on comics, literary sounds, postmodernism, and styles of reading appears or is forthcoming in NOVEL, Critique, University of Toronto Quarterly, and Music In/As Literature. He is an avid collector of old media.