Termination of Registration Guidelines
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Successful completion of students’ graduate programs is a goal shared by the graduate units, the School of Graduate Studies (SGS), and graduate students themselves. Occasionally, a graduate student may fail to meet the required academic standards of the graduate program in which the student is registered. In those cases, a Graduate Unit Chair or Director will submit a recommendation for termination of the student’s registration to the SGS Vice-Dean, Students.
Regulatory Background
Regulatory Environment is a Shared Responsibility Between SGS & the Graduate Unit
SGS provides the regulatory framework for graduate studies across the University through the General and Degree Regulations in the SGS academic Calendar, including regulations on Good Academic Standing and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (see For Reference, below).
Within the context of the SGS regulations, graduate units set specific requirements and standards, including requirements for maintaining Good Academic Standing and satisfactory progress, for each of their graduate programs through the graduate unit website, handbook, etc. (see For Reference, below). Graduate units provide resources and services appropriate to the program (e.g., laboratory space, administrative services).
Within the context of the SGS regulations, graduate units set specific requirements and standards, including requirements for maintaining Good Academic Standing and satisfactory progress, for each of their graduate programs through the graduate unit website, handbook, etc. (see For Reference, below). Graduate units provide resources and services appropriate to the program (e.g., laboratory space, administrative services).
Knowing the Regulations & Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress are the Responsibilities of the Student
Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the regulations as set out in the SGS academic Calendar, as well as with the regulations of the graduate unit and graduate program in which they are registered. The SGS academic Calendar identifies some University-wide regulations and policies that apply particularly to graduate students. The full set of University policies is available on the Governing Council website (see For Reference, below).
Students are responsible for maintaining satisfactory academic progress and Good Academic Standing in their graduate programs.
Some students have accessibility issues and they may have formal academic accommodations developed in consultation with U of T’s Accessibility Services Office and their graduate unit. There are many other resources in the University available to students facing difficulties and they are urged to make use of these as soon as issues arise. The University takes its duty to accommodate very seriously. Nevertheless, all students, including those with accessibility issues and accommodations (if any), are subject to the same academic standards.
Overall Procedures & Steps
Note: Students have the option to appeal a termination of registration decision. At any stage of the termination of registration process up to a hearing at the Graduate Academic Appeals Board (GAAB), a student may consult with the SGS Vice-Dean, Students, for advice and the student may request informal mediation. If the Vice-Dean, Students, agrees that mediation may be appropriate, he or she may serve as an informal mediator, attempting to resolve the dispute or clarify issues. However, both parties must agree to mediation for a mediation process to occur. If the student chooses to submit a notice of appeal of the termination to the GAAB, the termination continues in effect unless it is overturned through the decision of GAAB or a higher academic appeal body (see For Reference, below).
The graduate unit decides that a student’s academic progress is unsatisfactory or has failed to meet the required academic standards.
Many graduate units use a committee on academic standing or other graduate committee to review cases where a student is failing to maintain good academic standing or has failed to meet the required academic standards before termination is recommended. This is recommended as good practice.
For Reference
- University Policies
- SGS Calendar
- SGS Calendar: Good Academic Standing
- SGS Calendar: Graduate Units
- SGS Calendar: Withdrawal From a Graduate Program
- Graduate Academic Appeals
- Graduate Unit Websites
- Termination of Registration: Information for Graduate Students
Sample Template Letters
- Graduate Chair/Director Recommendation for Termination
- failed courses(s)
- failed comprehensive exam(s)
- lack of satisfactory progress
- failure to achieve candidacy
For Consultation on a Recommendation for Termination of Registration, or Informal Mediation:
Professor John Peever
Vice-Dean, Students
School of Graduate Studies
For Information on Graduate Academic Appeal Procedures, Deadlines, etc.:
Angelique Plata
Executive Assistant to the Vice-Deans
School of Graduate Studies