Glossary of Course Codes (Primary and Joint Course Codes)
Primary Course Codes
Primary codes denote courses where one academic unit has responsibility for offering the course. If you are proposing a new primary course code, please consult your Faculty Graduate Affairs Office or the SGS Student and Administrative Systems Support Representative at
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Course Code | Academic Unit |
AER | Aerospace Science and Engineering |
AGE | Life Course and Aging |
ALA | Architecture, Landscape, and Design—Post-professional Studies |
ALD | Architecture, Landscape, and Design—Doctoral Studies |
ANT | Anthropology |
APD | Applied Psychology and Human Development |
APS | Civil Engineering |
ARC | Architecture, Landscape, and Design |
ASI | Asia-Pacific Studies |
AST | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
BCH | Biochemistry |
BKS | Book History and Print Culture |
BME | Biomedical Engineering |
BTC | Biotechnology |
C&T | Information Studies—McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology |
CHE | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry |
CHL | Public Health Sciences |
CHM | Chemistry |
CIE | Comparative, International, and Development Education |
CIN | Cinema Studies |
CIV | Civil Engineering |
CLA | Classics |
COL | Comparative Literature |
CRI | Criminology |
CSB | Cell and Systems Biology |
CSC | Computer Science |
CTL | Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning |
DEN | Dentistry |
DGC | Dynamics of Global Change |
DMI | Design and Manufacturing |
DRA | Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies |
EAS | East Asian Studies |
ECE | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
ECO | Economics |
EDE | Environmental Engineering |
EEB | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology |
EES | Physical and Environmental Sciences (UTSC) |
ENG | English |
ENV | Environmental Studies |
ERE | European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies |
EXS | Exercise Sciences |
FAH | Art—History of Art |
FEC | Financial Economics |
FIS | Information Studies |
FOR | Forestry |
FRE | French Language and Literature |
GER | Germanic Languages and Literatures |
GGR | Geography |
GLG | Earth Sciences (Geology) |
GRK | Classics—Greek |
HAD | Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation |
HIS | History |
HPS | History and Philosophy of Science and Technology |
HSR | Health Services and Policy Research |
HUN | European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies—Hungarian Literature |
IFA | Management and Innovation (Mississauga)—Investigative and Forensic Accounting |
IMM | Immunology |
IOS | Optics |
IRE | Industrial Relations and Human Resources |
ITA | Italian Studies |
JCV | Cardiovascular Sciences |
JDS | Developmental Science |
JMB | Materials Science and Engineering/Biomedical Engineering |
JPW | Women’s Studies |
JSP | Jewish Studies |
JTB | Genome Biology and Bioinformatics |
JTH | Ethnic and Pluralism Studies |
KMD | Knowledge Media Design |
LAN | Architecture, Landscape, and Design—Landscape Architecture |
LAT | Classics—Latin |
LAW | Law |
LHA | Leadership, Higher, and Adult Education |
LIN | Linguistics |
LMP | Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology |
MAT | Mathematics |
MBP | Medical Biophysics |
MGT | Management |
MHI | Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation |
MIE | Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
MMF | Mathematical Finance |
MMG | Medical Genetics |
MMI | Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation—Management of Innovation |
MMS | Materials Science and Engineering |
MSC | Medical Science |
MSE | Materials Science and Engineering |
MSL | Information Studies—Museum Studies |
MST | Medieval Studies |
MUS | Music |
NMC | Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations |
NFS | Nutritional Science |
NUR | Nursing Science |
OCT | Occupational Therapy |
PAS | Addiction Studies |
PCL | Pharmacology and Toxicology |
PHL | Philosophy |
PHM | Pharmaceutical Science |
PHT | Physical Therapy |
PHY | Physics |
PLA | Geography—Planning |
POL | Political Science |
PPG | Public Policy and Governance |
PSL | Physiology |
PSY | Psychology |
REH | Rehabilitation Science |
RLG | Religion |
SAS | South Asian Studies |
SDS | Sexual Diversity Studies |
SJE | Social Justice Education |
SLA | Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures |
SLP | Speech-Language Pathology |
SOC | Sociology |
SPA | Spanish |
STA | Statistics |
SWK | Social Work |
TEP | Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education and Practice |
URD | Architecture, Landscape, and Design—Urban Design |
URD | Geography—Urban Design Studies |
VIS | Architecture, Landscape, and Design—Visual Studies |
WGS | Women and Gender Studies |
WPL | Workplace Learning and Social Change |
Joint Course Codes
Joint codes denote courses where two or more graduate units participate to offer the course. If you are proposing a new joint course code, please consult your Faculty Graduate Affairs Office or the Director, Student Academic Services at
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Joint Course Code | Graduate Units |
JAA | Anthropology/South Asian Studies |
JAB | Anthropology/Botany |
JAC | Anthropology/Culture and Technology |
JAH | Anthropology/History |
JAI | Classics/Art/Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations |
JAL | Anthropology/Linguistics |
JAM | Anthropology/Materials Science and Engineering |
JAP | Anthropology/Psychology |
JAR | Anthropology/Religion |
JAS | Astronomy/Statistics |
JAZ | Anthropology/Zoology |
JBB | Biochemistry/Medical Biophysics/Medical Genetics |
JBE | Botany/Environmental Studies |
JBF | Botany/Forestry |
JBI | Biochemistry/Immunology |
JBL | Biochemistry/Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology |
JBM | Botany/Microbiology |
JBP | Management/Political Science |
JBZ | Biochemistry/Botany/Zoology |
JCB | Biomedical Engineering/Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry |
JCC | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry/Civil Engineering |
JCF | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry/Forestry |
JCH | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry/Chemistry |
JCI | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry/Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
JCL | Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology/Medical Science |
JCM | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry/Public Health Sciences |
JCN | Civil Engineering/Environmental Studies |
JCP | Classics/History and Philosophy of Science and Technology |
JCT | Curriculum, Teaching and Learning/Social Justice Education |
JDA | Anthropology/Dentistry |
JDB | Botany/Molecular and Medical Genetics/Zoology |
JDE | Graduate Engineering Departments |
JDS | Human Development and Applied Psychology/Psychology |
JEB | Biomedical Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering |
JEC | Environmental Studies/Public Health Sciences |
JEH | English/History |
JEI | Environmental Studies/Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
JEL | Electrical and Computer Engineering/Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
JEM | Electrical and Computer Engineering/Materials Science and Engineering |
JEN | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry/Materials Science and Engineering/Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
JEP | English/Philosophy |
JER | English/Religion |
JES | East Asian/South Asian Studies |
JFC | Comparative Literature/French Language and Literature |
JFE | Engineering/Forestry |
JFG | Forestry/Geography |
JFK | Medical Science/Pharmaceutical Science/Pharmacology |
JFS | Forestry/Social Work |
JGC | Germanic Languages and Literatures/Comparative Literature |
JGE | Environmental Studies/Geography |
JGN | Environmental Studies/Earth Sciences |
JGP | Earth Sciences/Physics |
JHA | History/South Asian Studies |
JHC | Curriculum, Teaching and Learning/Human Development and Applied Psychology |
JHL | Comparative Literature/History |
JHM | Health Policy, Management and Evaluation/Medical Science |
JHP | History/Political Science |
JIC | Comparative Literature/Italian Studies |
JIL | Italian/Linguistics |
JIP | Economics/Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations |
JLA | Comparative Literature/East Asian Studies |
JLE | Comparative Literature/English |
JLM | Linguistics/Mathematics |
JLP | Linguistics/Psychology |
JMA | Civil Engineering/Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
JMC | East Asian/History/Political Science |
JME | Education/McLuhan Program |
JMH | History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/Medieval Studies |
JMI | Italian Studies/Music |
JMM | Biomedical Engineering/Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
JMP | Mathematics/Philosophy |
JMT | Classics/Medieval Studies |
JMY | Chemistry/Materials Science and Engineering |
JMZ | Materials Science and Engineering/Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
JNC | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry/Environmental Studies |
JNH | Nursing Science/Public Health Sciences |
JNP | Environmental Studies/Pharmaceutical Science/Pharmacology |
JNR | Biochemistry/Pharmacology/Physiology |
JNS | Anatomy and Cell Biology/Psychology |
JPA | Anthropology/Physics |
JPB | Biomedical Engineering/Physiology |
JPC | Public Health Sciences/Political Science |
JPD | Political Science/Sociology |
JPE | Economics/Political Science |
JPG | Geography/Planning |
JPH | History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/Philosophy |
JPI | Immunology/Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology |
JPJ | Law/Political Science |
JPL | Law/Philosophy |
JPM | Medical Science/Pharmacology |
JPN | Environmental Studies/Physics |
JPP | Philosophy/Political Science |
JPR | Physiology/Zoology |
JPS | Astronomy/Physics |
JPT | Education/Philosophy |
JPV | Environmental Studies/Political Science |
JPX | Education/Nursing Science/Psychology/Social Work |
JPY | Pharmaceutical Science/Pharmacology |
JPZ | Microbiology/Zoology |
JRL | Linguistics/Romance Languages |
JRP | Public Health Sciences/Rehabilitation Science |
JRX | Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Science |
JSA | Anthropology/Social Justice Education |
JSB | Biomedical Engineering/Public Health Sciences |
JSC | Criminology/Social Work |
JSE | Environmental Studies/Sociology |
JSL | Law/Social Work |
JSP | Philosophy/Psychology/Sociology |
JSS | Biomedical Communications/Sheridan |
JST | Computer Science/Statistics |
JTC | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry/Materials Science and Engineering |
JTE | Curriculum, Teaching and Learning/Social Justice Education |
JUS | Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology/Medical Biophysics |
JVP | Environmental Studies/Philosophy |
JXP | Exercise Science/Public Health Sciences |
JYG | Molecular and Medical Genetics/Pharmacology/Physiology |
JZB | Botany/Zoology |
JZP | Psychology/Zoology |