On-Campus Supports & Services
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Photo: Jeff Kirk
U of T offers a wealth of resources, communities, and services to help international graduate students succeed
and have a positive experience in graduate school.
International Student Centres – Tri-Campus
Centre for International Experience (CIE)
33 St. George Street (Cumberland House)
Located in the historic Cumberland House, CIE is the campus hub for international students and domestic students seeking international experience. We provide a wide array of services on topics unique to international students: Canadian study and work permits, health insurance in Ontario, learning and language support, income taxes, and other information about how to build community and succeed in Canadian campus life. In addition, CIE enables global learning for all students through study, research, and internship opportunities. International experience awards are also available.
UTM – International Education Centre (IEC)
1867 Inner Circle (William G. Davis Building), Room DV 2071
Need assistance with your study permit, permanent residency, working in Canada or almost anything else related to living in Canada? The IEC can help. See the website for a full list of services and programs.
UTSC – International Student Centre
1265 Military Trail (Highland Hall), Room HL448
Make an appointment with a transition advisor for personal guidance.
Student Groups
International Students’ Caucus (ISC) – UTGSU
As a University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union (UTGSU) Caucus, the ISC coordinates efforts on international graduate students’ success in academic and campus adaptation. Meetings and events focus on the needs of the caucus membership including funding, academics, immigration, health insurance, social activities and more.
Ulife is a central website for listings for campus organizations and opportunities on all three campuses of the University of Toronto. Searching by the “Culture and Identities” filter is one way to connect with students of similar backgrounds and experiences across the tri-campus. Other entries include film appreciation clubs, debating societies, sports teams, social activism, drop-in classes, and research opportunities and awards.
Health & Wellness
UHIP (University Health Insurance Program)
A mandatory health insurance plan for all international and exchange students enrolled in an Ontario university, UHIP helps to cover the cost of hospital and medical services you may need while in Canada. Enrolment is automatic; the coverage charge will be listed on your student account on ACORN. Visit the UHIP website for helpful information about the plan, such as how to enrol your dependents (e.g. spouse or common-law partner and/or children.
English Language Support
Graduate Centre for Academic Communication (GCAC)
12 Queen’s Park Crescent West (McMurrich Building), 1st floor
The Graduate Centre for Academic Communication (GCAC) provides instruction to all U of T graduate students, whether they are non-native speakers of English or native speakers of English. Each year, through free courses, workshops, one-on-one writing consultations, and writing boot camps, thousands of students across the disciplines discover how to improve their academic writing and speaking.
English Language Program at the School of Continuing Studies
Intensive English courses, including Academic English, open to students and the general public. Fees apply.
UTSC – Conversation Community
Practise English and learn about the diverse cultures of Toronto.
Academic Support
There are extensive services to support academic needs and develop academic skills as a graduate student:
Centre for Learning Strategy Support
214 College St.
The Centre for Learning Strategy Support offers specialized support for graduate students including workshops, writing groups and individual consultations with learning strategists.
Accessibility Services
455 Spadina Ave
Accessibility Services supports graduate students with disabilities by providing accommodations for all aspects of their study.
Centre for Community Partnerships
569 Spadina Ave
The Centre for Community Partnerships offers a Community Engaged Learning Seminar for PhD students that brings together 18 doctoral students across the University to discuss community engaged learning in a seminar format.
Graduate Centre for Academic Communication (GCAC)
12 Queen’s Park Crescent West (McMurrich Building), 1st floor
The Graduate Centre for Academic Communication (GCAC) provides instruction to all U of T graduate students, whether they are non-native speakers of English or native speakers of English. Each year, through free courses, workshops, one-on-one writing consultations, and writing boot camps, thousands of students across the disciplines discover how to improve their academic writing and speaking.
Family Resources
Are you are an international student arriving with a family? Discover the variety of support services available at U of T to help your family members transition into life in Toronto.
International Student Families
214 College Street, Main Floor, Room 103
Visiting & Exchange Opportunities
The School of Graduate Studies and the Centre for International Experience encourage current U of T graduate students to explore international study opportunities. Learn more.