SGS GradHub

You belong here.

Welcome to the SGS GradHub! We’re glad you’re here.


Dean’s Welcome

Graduate school at the University of Toronto is an unparalleled opportunity to expand your knowledge, develop new skills, and connect with scholars across disciplines. I look forward to seeing how you will transform yourself, and the world.

Joshua Barker
Vice-Provost, Graduate Research & Education and
Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Explore the SGS GradHub

We created the following categories, but feel free to explore the GradHub in any order you’d like! We invite you to bookmark this page and return to it throughout your degree.

About the SGS GradHub

Created for graduate students, by graduate students, to help you feel welcomed, connected, and prepared to thrive.

During the pandemic, the U of T’s School of Graduate Studies (SGS) revolutionized the Essential Guide for Graduate Students. With Marie Merci Ishimwe’s fantastic research and design skills during her summer work-study term, feedback from current graduate students, and contributions from across U of T’s graduate ecosystem, we transformed the 100 page printed booklet and PDF into an accessible, user-friendly web space—just for you. Here, you’ll find the essential information you need, at every phase of your graduate student journey. Whether this is your first year or your final year, we hope that you enjoy experiencing the GradHub.

Explore the GradHub…