Other Funding Resources for Graduate Students

Award Overview

Contacts & Resources

The following is a list of funding resources external to SGS available to graduate students:

Name Award Type Value Citizenship Degree Type Fields of Research Apply To Application Deadline
American Water Works In-Course 14 awards, mostly between $5,000 – $10,000 Domestic or International Doctoral


Water studies, engineering, policy, communications, technology, finance, legal and water research Agency December
Alzheimer’s Society Research Program Accepted to a program or enrolled for 18 months or less $22,000 per year for up to 3 years Domestic or International Doctoral; non-terminal Master’s and combined MA or MN or MSW/PhD dual degree program students are also eligible


Areas related to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias Apply through agency; MRA also required June-July
Arthritis Society Canada – Training Graduate PhD Salary Award In-Course $35,000 per year for up to 3 years Domestic or International Doctoral


As per agency’s research priority areas Agency April
Bertram Scholarship In-Course $15,000 Domestic or International Doctoral Areas related to organizational governance Apply through agency; contact SGS to request letter confirming U of T’s willingness to administer the award


Canadian Institute for Military and Veterans Health Research scholarships and awards In-Course, Graduate $10,000 – $18,000 Domestic or International Master’s, Doctoral, Postgraduate Areas related to improving the lives of serving military, veterans, other related populations, and their families Agency Internal Deadline: Early August
CMC Microsystems Douglas R. Colton Medal Graduate A medal and a monetary prize of $4,500 Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or individual who has been a
Canadian resident for three years prior to the nomination
Faculty, students or alumni who have successfully completed a Master’s or PhD degree in a Canadian university within the previous three calendar years Microsystems or nanotechnology Candidate must be nominated by a faculty member, who must submit
(1) a nomination letter describing the nominee’s achievements in research and evidence of their recognition within the relevant discipline,
(2) a separate 150-word summary of the specific contribution to research that prompted the nomination, and
(3) the candidate’s CV to the Office of VP, Research & Innovation
Internal Deadline: July
Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) In-Course $11,100 for visiting graduate students (Master’s and PhD) for a period of five to six months of study or research International (citizens of specific countries) Master’s, Doctoral All areas IVGS program; and

CIE Inbound Exchange

Fulbright Canada Scholarship Opportunities Admissions, In-Course Fixed cash value of US$25,000 for 9 months; additional enrichment opportunities available to recipients


Canadian citizens Master’s, Doctoral All areas Agency September – November
IMFG Graduate Fellowship in Municipal Finance and Governance In-Course $5,000 Domestic or International; must reside in Toronto to participate in events Master’s, Doctoral Areas related to municipal finance or governance


Agency June
International Experience Award (IE Award+) In-Course Assistance depends on recipient’s personal finances Domestic or International Master’s, Professional Master’s, Doctoral All areas, but learning abroad experience must be sanctioned by the University of Toronto


Contact CIE for guidance Sept, January, and May
Laura Bassi Scholarship In-Course $500-$2500, remitted solely through editorial assistance with theses and journal articles Domestic or International Master’s, Doctoral, Academics in first 5 years of full-time employment


All areas Agency December, March, and July
Linda Michaluk Scholarship (LMS) In-Course $2,500 Domestic or International Master’s, Doctoral Areas related to aquatic/terrestrial ecosystems


Agency March
Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship In-Course Tuition and fees + $42,000 USD living stipend for 2 years Domestic or International Doctoral – must be in year 3 as of the fall term of the current academic year Proposal must be related to the research carried out by Microsoft Research lab members; see website for more details


Apply through agency; must be nominated by graduate unit Early June
Mitacs – Globalink In-Course Funding amount varies Domestic or International; students cannot undertake a project in a country where they have previously completed a degree or where they hold citizenship All Graduate Degrees All Areas; research must involve collaboration with an international partner institution Submit proposal to Office of Innovations & Partnerships Summer
Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit Partnership Capacity Building Fund In-Course $1,500 for 1 year Domestic or International Master’s, Doctoral Research involving patient partners Agency; contact SGS for letter from Dean’s Office; supervisor must complete an MRA to obtain institutional signature on application form February
Open Phil AI Fellowship Admissions, In-Course $40,000 + $10,000 for expenses + tuition and fees; tenable up to end of year 5 of PhD


Domestic or International Doctoral Areas related to AI and machine learning Agency October
Parkinson Canada Graduate Student Award (GSA) In-Course $20,000 per year for 2 years


Canadian citizens Doctoral As per Parkinson Canada’s research themes Agency Early December
Rhodes Scholarship Graduating Scholarship to study at the University of Oxford Domestic or International Master’s, Doctoral Minimum GPA of 3.75 U of T University Registrar’s Office Early June
SSHRC Storytellers Contest In-Course Up to $5,000 Canadian or Permanent Resident


Master’s, Doctoral Research must be SSHRC-funded Agency January
Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) Graduating Scholarship to pursue a PhD/EngD at a university in Singapore Domestic or International; Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents, and international students studying/who have studied in Singapore tertiary institutions are not eligible Doctoral Areas related to science and engineering Agency June
Study in Canada Scholarships In-Course $12,700 for visiting graduate students (Master’s and PhD) for a period of five to six months of study or research


International (citizens of specific countries) Master’s, Doctoral All areas IVGS program; and

CIE Inbound Exchange

Vector Institute AI Master’s Scholarship Admissions Up to $17,500 for 1 year (prorated for shorter programs)


Domestic or International Master’s, Professional Master’s Areas related to AI Graduate Unit January – March
Vision Science Research Program – OSOTF In-Course Exact value not specified Resident of Ontario (Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident)


Master’s, Doctoral Areas related to vision science/health research Agency April-May

Funding Databases

There are various other sources of award opportunities across U of T. Please see below for more information:

Award Explorer

​​​​​Research and Innovation​

​Research Alerts

Faculty of Arts and Science Scholarships​​

Faculty of Medicine Internal Awards​

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Awards​​

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) – IEN (Indigenous Education Network) Awards

​Financial Aid By Country​ for International Students – Rotman​

Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool (Government Of Canada)