How to Activate & Maintain Your Award
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Click on the text accordions below to learn more about accepting, activating, maintaining, and managing your award.
How Do I Accept and Manage My Award?
The process to accept and manage your award may differ from award to award. Please see the individual award pages for award holder information.
Who Processes My Award?
Most Government-Funded award payments such as SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR Master’s, OGS, QEII-GSST, and other External and SGS Internal awards are processed by SGS and issued through ACORN.
If you received an award for which you applied directly, and the granting agency would like to issue payment through the University of Toronto, please connect them with the Graduate Awards Office (GAO) at SGS. All awards that are strictly stipend / salary (no research allowance component) must be issued through ACORN.
University of Toronto Fellowship (UTF) payments are processed by your Faculty and/or graduate unit and, as such, each may have their own method of disbursing the funds, including the value and timing of each instalment paid through ACORN.
Students holding teaching or research assistantships are considered to be employees; accordingly, these funds must be processed through HRIS (Human Resources Information System) on a monthly basis.
Please check with the graduate administrator at your unit to determine whether your award is being managed by SGS or your graduate unit, and direct any inquiries or requests accordingly.
SGS Payment Policy
SGS-administered award payments are processed through ACORN at the beginning of each session:
- Fall Session: September
- Winter Session: January
- Summer Session: May
These awards are issued to students through ACORN by instalment. Smaller awards (e.g. $5,000 CAD or less) are often issued in one instalment, while larger awards are normally set to pay out in three equal instalments at the start of each academic session.
Register Without Payment
Students approved to register without payment are granted the opportunity to register without paying the Minimum Payment to Register amount (or fee) as indicated on their ACORN invoice.
- This financial arrangement defers the required tuition payment until the student loan, award or other major source of funding is available and prevents normal service charges from accruing until April 30th.
- Tuition is due when billed and any funds payable to students by the university may be first applied towards a students’ account.