Accessibility Grants & Financial Resources

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SGS Accessibility Grant

The SGS Accessibility Grant supports significant educational expenses not normally covered by the student, the graduate unit, provincial, or federal agencies. We recognize that each student’s situation is unique and funding will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The grant was established to assist with accommodations necessary to meet unexpected needs arising from the particular demands of the graduate program.

University of Toronto Campus Services

The role of Accessibility Services is to facilitate the inclusion of students with disabilities into all aspects of university life. Its focus is on skills development, especially in the areas of self-advocacy and academic skills.

Services are provided to students with a documented disability. It can be physical, sensory, a learning disability, or a mental health disorder. Students with temporary disabilities (e.g., broken arm) are also eligible for the service.

Students first go through an intake interview to discuss their eligibility and needs.

Visit the websites of the three campuses:

Awards Outside of University of Toronto

These resources are listed as guides and is not a comprehensive list. For more information, contact Accessibility Services.

Government-Sponsored Financial Aid

To qualify for permanent disability status, you must:

  • have a functional limitation caused by a physical or mental impairment that restricts the ability of a person to perform the daily activities necessary to participate in studies at a post-secondary level or in the labour force; and
  • be able to provide proof of the disability, describing its type and substantiating that it is expected to remain with the person for the person’s expected natural life.