Doctoral Examinations & Schedule

The Final Oral Examination (FOE) is the capstone experience of your doctoral studies. General information about the FOE is outlined in the SGS Calendar. The Final Oral Examination schedule (see calendar below) lists current thesis defenses, and is updated periodically.

Additionally, you may find helpful the Guidelines for the Doctoral Final Oral Examination (FOE), a document that outlines the responsibilities of the graduate unit, SGS, the Examination Committee, and the Chair of the Committee in the planning and conduct of a Final Oral Examination. Faculty and Staff can access additional resources on the SGS Final Examinations webpage.

Academic fees for continuously registered Ph.D. candidates in the final year of the program are pro-rated over the 12–month academic year, based on the date of the final approved thesis submission to SGS. Incidental fees are charged on a sessional (term) basis. More information on the pro-rated fees and schedules can be found in Graduate Fees and on the Student Accounts website under Current Fall–Winter Fee & Refund Schedules.

In-Person Examinations at the School of Graduate Studies

Requests to book the rooms at 63 St. George Street are covered by the following guidelines.

  • Exam rooms are available for blocks of up to three (3) hours between 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM ET, Monday to Friday.
  • Exam rooms have maximum capacities as indicated on the Book a Meeting Room website.
  • All participants should bring their laptop or tablet with them; the computer, camera, and microphone in the room can be used to provide a full room view for remote participants. The computer is currently configured for anyone to sign into their Zoom or Microsoft Teams account. Teleconference is also available for a maximum of two participants.
  • All signature files and forms will be administered electronically.
  • Please avoid the use of perfume, cologne, hairspray and other scented products when you visit the School of Graduate Studies. Refer to the University’s Guidelines on the Use of Perfumes and Scented Products.

Doctoral Examination Schedule

Exam DateStudent NameExam Information
(Thesis, Supervisor(s), Graduate Unit)
Mar 3Name: Adaeze Lorreta Ibik Investigating the Nature of Peculiar Supernovae and Fast Radio Bursts via Their Multi-wavelength Properties and Environments.
Supervisor(s): Prof. Maria Drout, Prof. Bryan Gaensler
Graduate Unit: Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Mar 3Name: Linkun Miao Exploring the Chemistry of Phosphonium Mono- and Dications
Supervisor(s): Prof. Douglas Stephan
Graduate Unit: Department of Chemistry
Mar 3Name: He Shuang On the Security and Privacy of Web Requests
Supervisor(s): Prof. David Lie, Prof. Viau Zhao
Graduate Unit: Edward S. Rogers Sr. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engin.
Mar 3Name: Bo Peng Carbon Delivery to Terrestrial Plant Formation and Connections to Lava World Exoplanets
Supervisor(s): Prof. Diana Valencia
Graduate Unit: Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Mar 3Name: Natasha Sheikhan Developing a reporting framework and guidance document for engagement in mental health and and substance use research
Supervisor(s): Prof. Kerry Kuluski
Graduate Unit: Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Mar 3Name: Siddharth Sridhar Managing Empire: The Rubber Economy of the Bay of Bengal, 1927-1945
Supervisor(s): Prof. Bhavani Raman
Graduate Unit: Department of History
Mar 3Name: Moses Philip Cook MRI Monitoring Strategies for Cardiac Repair Therapies in Myocardial Infarction
Supervisor(s): Prof. Graham Wright
Graduate Unit: Department of Medical Biophysics
Mar 4Name: Behrooz Khatir Engineering poly(dimethylsiloxane) grafted chains for enhanced droplet mobility and abrasion resistance
Supervisor(s): Prof. Kevin Bram Golovin
Graduate Unit: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Mar 4Name: Irit Printz The Wind Beneath their Wings: Faculty Support of Students with Mental Ill-Health at an Ontario University
Supervisor(s): Prof. Leesa Wheelahan
Graduate Unit: Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
Mar 4Name: Haris Majeed Climate Variability and Cardiovascular Diseases: The Heart of Oceans
Supervisor(s): Prof. Gillian Booth
Graduate Unit: Institute of Medical Science
Mar 4Name: Joel Hengwei Foo Search for Vector-like Quarks in the All-hadronic Decay Channel using the ATLAS Detector.
Supervisor(s): Prof. Pekka Sinervo
Graduate Unit: Department of Physics
Mar 5Name: Hwayeon Shin Using Implementation Science to Design Strategies for Embedding a Suicide Safety Planning Digital Intervention into a Psychiatric Emergency
Supervisor(s): Prof. Gillian Strudwick
Graduate Unit: Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Mar 5Name: Tiancong Wang Magnetic Micromanipulation of Cells and Intracellular Structures
Supervisor(s): Prof. Yu Sun
Graduate Unit: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Mar 6Name: Derek John Robert Churchill Manifestations of Frustration in Quantum Materials
Supervisor(s): Prof. Hae-Young Kee
Graduate Unit: Department of Physics
Mar 6Name: Mitra Shokrollahi DNA double strand break capturing nuclear envelope tubules promote human DNA repair with implications in cancer and age-related disorders
Supervisor(s): Prof. Karim Mekhail
Graduate Unit: Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Mar 7Name: Geoffrey Klein Tools to Quantify Vertebral Stability of Spinal Metastases
Graduate Unit: Department of Medical Biophysics
Mar 7Name: Lisa Xiong From Midlife Dementia Risk Factors to Late-Life Functionality: An Examination of Targets to Support Healthy Aging
Supervisor(s): Prof. Walter Swardfager
Graduate Unit: Department of Pharmacology
Mar 7Name: Tianhao Chen Design and Implementation of Multi-modal Brain Stimulation Electrodes to Activate Endogenous Neural Precursor Cells (NPCs)
Supervisor(s): Prof. Hani Naguib, Prof. Cindi Morshead
Graduate Unit: Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Mar 10Name: Xinyue Jiang Polygenic Risk Scores and Intermediate Phenotypes in Youth Bipolar Disorder
Supervisor(s): Prof. Benjamin Goldstein
Graduate Unit: Department of Pharmacology
Mar 11Name: Bo Lin Analytics for Better Urban Cycling
Supervisor(s): Prof. Timothy Chan, Prof. Shoshanna Saxe
Graduate Unit: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Supervisor(s): Prof. Mark Fox
Graduate Unit: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Mar 11Name: Mian Wei Computational Imaging Across Simultaneous Timescales
Supervisor(s): Prof. Kiriakos Kutulakos
Graduate Unit: Department of Computer Science
Mar 11Name: Yuan Cao A Holistic Investigation of the Relationships Between Indoor Environmental Quality, Occupant Behavior, and Comfort in Residential Buildings
Supervisor(s): Prof. Marianne Touchie Windisch, Prof. Seungjae Lee
Graduate Unit: Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering
Mar 12Name: Randall Chaves Camacho The Costa Rican Marimba Tradicional: Pedagogical Practices, Preservation, and National Identity
Supervisor(s): Prof. Jeff Packman, Prof. Aiyun Huang
Graduate Unit: Faculty of Music
Mar 12Name: Randall Chaves Camacho The Costa Rican Marimba Tradicional: Pedagogical Practices, Preservation, and National Identity
Supervisor(s): Prof. Jeff Packman, Prof. Aiyun Huang
Graduate Unit: Faculty of Music
Mar 12Name: Carolyn Elizabeth O’Connor Exploring early adolescents’ perceptions of sexual consent: A mixed methods analysis
Supervisor(s): Prof. Ramona Alaggia
Graduate Unit: Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work
Mar 12Name: Carolyn Elizabeth O’Connor Exploring early adolescents’ perceptions of sexual consent: A mixed methods analysis
Supervisor(s): Prof. Ramona Alaggia
Graduate Unit: Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work
Mar 13Name: Mahtab Abtahi Surface Modification of NaLnF4 and NbO2 Nanoparticles with Bisphoshphonate Derivatives for Mass Cytometry Applications
Supervisor(s): Prof. Mitchell Winnik
Graduate Unit: Department of Chemistry
Mar 13Name: Shahrzad Kianidehkordi Distributed Optimization Algorithms With Improved Efficiency, Reliability, and Privacy Preservation
Supervisor(s): Prof. Stark Draper
Graduate Unit: Edward S. Rogers Sr. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engin.
Mar 13Name: Wenda Zhao Dilations of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Contribute to Spongiform Degeneration and Unlock a Door to a Unified Model of Neuropathological Features in Pri on Diseases
Supervisor(s): Prof. Gerold Schmitt-Ulms
Graduate Unit: Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Mar 14Name: Priscilla Pui Yee Fung Navigating Variability: Language Development in Linguistically Diverse Environments
Supervisor(s): Prof. Elizabeth Johnson
Graduate Unit: Department of Psychology
Mar 14Name: Jerry Augustine Mutations of a Decarboxylase Reveal Alternative Mechanisms for Promoting Critical Solvation of Nascent Carbon Dioxide
Supervisor(s): Prof. Ronald Kluger
Graduate Unit: Department of Chemistry
Mar 17Name: David Ryan Islip New Applications of Optimization Oracles with a Lens towards Finance
Supervisor(s): Prof. Roy Kwon
Graduate Unit: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Mar 18Name: S M Niazur Rahman Role of Nod1-mediated Inflammation in Fat-induced Insulin Resistance and Beta-cell Dysfunction
Supervisor(s): Prof. Adria Giacca
Graduate Unit: Department of Physiology
Mar 18Name: Radu Gugustea Role of AMPA glutamate receptors in hippocampal synaptic regulation and neuronal activation during learning and memory.
Supervisor(s): Prof. Zhengping Jia
Graduate Unit: Department of Physiology
Mar 19Name: Xiaoxiao Zhao A Microscopy-Based Investigation of Microbubble Mediated Antivascular Ultrasound
Supervisor(s): Prof. David Goertz
Graduate Unit: Department of Medical Biophysics
Mar 20Name: Freeda Bukhari Khan Global Competencies: How MBA Schools Develop Interculturally Competent Leaders
Supervisor(s): Prof. Elizabeth Buckner
Graduate Unit: Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
Mar 20Name: Preeia Surajbali Tertiary Education: Identity Formations and Negotiations Among Indo-Caribbean Canadian Students
Supervisor(s): Prof. Alissa Trotz
Graduate Unit: Department of Social Justice Education
Mar 20Name: Alaa Itani Towards Effective Integration of On-Demand Transit Systems: Developing Guiding Principles for Planning and Exploring the Determinants of Ridership and Trip Cancellations
Supervisor(s): Prof. Amer Shalaby
Graduate Unit: Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering
Mar 21Name: John Preston Castillo Decolonizing Black Masculinity: Perspectives of African-Caribbean Men in Toronto
Supervisor(s): Prof. George JS Dei
Graduate Unit: Department of Social Justice Education
Mar 21Name: Katie McGartland Women as Ontario College Presidents and Vice Presidents: The Experiences that Positively Influenced Their Career Journey
Supervisor(s): Prof. Glen Jones
Graduate Unit: Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
Mar 21Name: Jo-Tzu Huang Stock Enhancement, Fisheries Management and Political Ecologies of the State in Taiwan
Supervisor(s): Prof. Alana Boland
Graduate Unit: Department of Geography and Planning
Mar 21Name: Aiden Lee Gray Mixed-Fidelity Optimization of Blended-Wing-Body Regional Aircraft with High-Fidelity Aerodynamics and Critical Design Requirements
Supervisor(s): Prof. David Zingg
Graduate Unit: Institute for Aerospace Studies
Mar 21Name: Keenan Robert Lucas Burnett Towards Radar-Based Mapping and Localization in All Weather Conditions
Supervisor(s): Prof. Tim Barfoot, Prof. Angela Schoellig
Graduate Unit: Institute for Aerospace Studies
Mar 24Name: Priyanka Prince Yogarajah Subjective and Objective Assessment of Cognitive Functions in Cochlear Implant Users and Normal- Hearing Controls: Relevance to Speech Perception
Supervisor(s): Prof. Andrew Dimitrijevic
Graduate Unit: Department of Physiology
Mar 24Name: Shelby Scott The Value of Infracranial Epigenetic Variation in the Identification of Unknown Human Skeletal Remains: Establishing Objective Legal Standards using a Statistically Quantifiable Method of Radiologic Identification
Supervisor(s): Prof. Tracy Rogers
Graduate Unit: Department of Anthropology
Mar 24Name: Phillip Jacob Oelbaum Niche occupancy, partitioning, and the role of trophic flexibility in coexistence of Neotropical bats
Supervisor(s): Prof. Ken Welch Jr.
Graduate Unit: Department of Cell and Systems Biology
Mar 24Name: Dina Soliman Knowledge Building-Modeling to Enhance Systems Thinking and Metamodeling
Supervisor(s): Prof. Marlene Scardamalia
Graduate Unit: Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
Mar 25Name: Mahya Mirbagheri Design and Development of a Chatbot as an Alternative Web-Browser for those with Severe Motor Impairments
Supervisor(s): Prof. Tom Chau
Graduate Unit: Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Mar 25Name: Jose Dominick Guballa Forcings on Coccolithophore Evolution and Assemblage Changes
Supervisor(s): Prof. Jorg Bollmann
Graduate Unit: Department of Earth Sciences
Mar 25Name: Nick Feng Reasoning with Constraints: Decision Procedures, Witnesses and Applications
Supervisor(s): Prof. Marsha Chechik
Graduate Unit: Department of Computer Science
Mar 25Name: Madeleine Yu The Other Accent Effect in Human Voice Recognition
Supervisor(s): Prof. Elizabeth Johnson
Graduate Unit: Department of Psychology
Mar 25Name: Katelyn Ward Risky Bodies: Implications of Risk and Risking in the Therapy Room
Supervisor(s): Prof. Jeffrey Ansloos
Graduate Unit: Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development
Mar 26Name: Shengjie Xu Selective Pointer Metadata Inlining for Efficient Memory Safety Enforcement
Supervisor(s): Prof. David Lie
Graduate Unit: Edward S. Rogers Sr. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engin.
Mar 26Name: Fengyuan Zhu Exploring Bidirectional Interfaces and Precise Input with Personal Devices in Extended Reality
Supervisor(s): Prof. Tovi Grossman
Graduate Unit: Department of Computer Science
Mar 27Name: Vera Marije Pieters The development of a high-throughput obese adipocyte model and image-based assay to identify metabolically relevant lipid droplet perturbations.
Supervisor(s): Prof. Alison McGuigan, Prof. Penney Gilbert
Graduate Unit: Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Mar 27Name: Guijin Li Prediction of Muscle Response to Functional Electrical Stimulation Therapy after Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries Using Surface Electromyography
Supervisor(s): Prof. Jose Zariffa, Prof. Sukhvinder Kalsi-Ryan
Graduate Unit: Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Mar 27Name: Yekaterina Tiper Positioning Microtissues on the Differentiation Continuum Reveals their Utility for Studying Skeletal Myopathies and Metabolic Disease
Supervisor(s): Prof. Penney Gilbert
Graduate Unit: Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Mar 27Name: Annia Fleur Schreiber Role of the Accessory Muscles in Patients with Pro longed Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation
Supervisor(s): Prof. Laurent Brochard
Graduate Unit: Institute of Medical Science
Mar 27Name: Mohi Reza Experiment-Inspired Design: Enhancing Digital Learning Through Parallel Exploration of Multiple Design Alternatives
Supervisor(s): Prof. Joseph Williams
Graduate Unit: Department of Computer Science
Mar 27Name: Lauren McPhee Facilitating Student Re-Entry Meetings: An Analysis of The Experience and Expertise of Educators
Supervisor(s): Prof. Lana Stermac
Graduate Unit: Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development
Mar 28Name: Luiz Henrique Dias Navarro Hybrid Virtual Constraints for Stabilization of Closed Orbits
Supervisor(s): Prof. Manfredi Maggiore
Graduate Unit: Edward S. Rogers Sr. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engin.
Mar 28Name: Sheena Bell The Middle Tier of Education Delivery: An Exploratory Study of District Support to Schools in Ghana
Supervisor(s): Prof. Karen Mundy
Graduate Unit: Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
Mar 28Name: Jonah Philion Foundations and Applications of Trajectory Modeling for Autonomous Vehicles
Supervisor(s): Prof. Sanja Fidler
Graduate Unit: Department of Computer Science
Mar 28Name: Navid Torkanfar Blockchain-enabled Digitalized Trust in Construction Industry: Reforming Trust and Collaboration Through Technology
Supervisor(s): Prof. Brenda McCabe
Graduate Unit: Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering
Mar 28Name: Basil Eleftheriades A Novel High Step-Down Fully Charged Flying Capacitor Converter
Supervisor(s): Prof. Aleksandar Prodic
Graduate Unit: Edward S. Rogers Sr. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engin.
Mar 28Name: Zachary Senick Slava Ukraini: An Annotated Catalogue of Ukrainian Solo and Chamber Works for Bassoon
Supervisor(s): Prof. Robin Elliott
Graduate Unit: Faculty of Music
Mar 28Name: Zachary Senick Slava Ukraini: An Annotated Catalogue of Ukrainian Solo and Chamber Works for Bassoon
Supervisor(s): Prof. Robin Elliott
Graduate Unit: Faculty of Music
Mar 28Name: Mariana Gabriela Oseguera Rodriguez Tearing the Paper Ceiling? Educational Credentials and Alternative Routes in Contemporary Labor Markets
Supervisor(s): Prof. Mitchell Hoffman, Prof. Andras Tilcsik
Graduate Unit: Graduate Department of Management
Mar 28Name: Mariana Gabriela Oseguera Rodriguez Tearing the Paper Ceiling? Educational Credentials and Alternative Routes in Contemporary Labor Markets
Supervisor(s): Prof. Mitchell Hoffman, Prof. Andras Tilcsik
Graduate Unit: Graduate Department of Management
Mar 28Name: Alina Raza Effective School-Based Interventions for Refugee and First Generation Immigrant Students
Supervisor(s): Prof. Abby Goldstein
Graduate Unit: Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development
Mar 28Name: Grishma Hirode To Stop or Not to Stop:Response After Nucleos(t)ide Analogue Withdrawal mong Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B
Supervisor(s): Prof. Harry Janssen
Graduate Unit: Institute of Medical Science
Mar 28Name: Sarah Kratina The Emerging Policy Issue on Accessing Therapeutic Psychedelic Interventions for End-of-Life Distress in canada.
Supervisor(s): Prof. Brian Rush, Prof. Christopher Lo
Graduate Unit: Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Mar 31Name: Keith Derek Van Ryswyk The Characterization and Mitigation of Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution in the Toronto Subway
Supervisor(s): Prof. Gregory Evans
Graduate Unit: Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Mar 31Name: Nasir Hossein Essays in Economic Growth
Supervisor(s): Prof. Diego Restuccia
Graduate Unit: Department of Economics
Mar 31Name: Brenton Buchanan The Compositional Atom: Transpacific Nuclear Entanglements of Japan, the Marshall Islands, and the United States
Supervisor(s): Prof. Lisa Yoneyama
Graduate Unit: Department of East Asian Studies
Mar 31Name: Punita Lumb Decolonizing Knowledge Generation – An Examination of how Faculty Experience Power Dynamics in UK-India Social Science Research Partnerships
Supervisor(s): Prof. Elizabeth Buckner
Graduate Unit: Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
Mar 31Name: Leanne Rokos Modeling Brain Network Dynamics in Early Development with TheVirtualBrain
Supervisor(s): Prof. Anthony Randal McIntosh
Graduate Unit: Institute of Medical Science