Completing Degree Requirements for Thesis Programs
Congratulations on successfully defending your thesis!
There are a few more steps to complete your degree requirements and be eligible to graduate in the next convocation ceremony.
In most cases, you have completed your degree requirements once you have submitted your defended, correctly formatted thesis to the U of T ProQuest thesis submission site, containing all corrections as agreed upon by your final oral examination committee or supervisor.
Please take the following steps to ensure completion of all requirements:
- Make any corrections or modifications to the thesis as required by your supervisor or final oral examination committee.
- Ensure that you have obtained confirmation from your supervisor/sub-committee that you have successfully completed all required edits.
- If applicable, submit an electronic copy of the “restrict release” form.
- Follow the formatting guidelines.
- Follow the proper file naming convention when naming your thesis: e.g., Doe_John_20205_PhD_thesis.pdf (20201 indicates a March convocation, 20205 indicates a June convocation, and 20209 indicates a November convocation).
- Submit your thesis as a PDF document to the U of T ProQuest thesis submission site. Copy and paste the indicated copyright permissions to the thesis repository when submitting your thesis, if applicable. You will be invited to order bound copies through the ProQuest thesis submission interface, but this involves time delays and added expense, so we strongly recommend having your thesis bound locally.
- Receive notification of your submission from SGS, who will send you an email once we have checked the thesis formatting.
- If applicable, submit a bound copy of your thesis to your graduate unit.
- Keep your contact information up-to-date in ACORN; the Office of Convocation will communicate with you through your U of T email address.