Nick Fernandez
Nick Fernandez named a C. David Naylor Fellow
Originally published in Boundless News

Nick Fernandez, who grew up in Halifax, dived into biochemistry research from his first year at Mount Allison University, where he also made waves in musical theatre and with the university’s chamber orchestra. In his graduate program at U of T, he’ll focus on fundamental research to advance our understanding of pediatric cancers.
“Childhood cancer is very different,” he says. Because kids are still growing, their cancers have different origins and take different courses—which for some cancers, can lead to far better outcomes than in adult patients.
“I’ll be working with Uri Tabori in the department of medical biophysics, and I’m excited that we can figure out fundamental ways that the human body works and solve problems that can have tangible impacts on patients. My father is a pediatric oncologist, and I know being able to help kids and families in that way is really special.”
“Toronto is an expensive city,” says Fernandez. “and as an aspiring clinical researcher, I have another component of professional school after grad school—so having financial support at this stage is really important for the security that it’s able to give me. Thank you to Arthur and Sandra Irving for recognizing and empowering students from Atlantic Canada.”
Read about the two other U of T C. David Naylor Fellows recipients.