De-activating / Archiving & Re-activating Graduate Courses

January 2011

See SGS Policy and Guidelines on Graduate Courses.

Responsibility for approving new courses rests with each graduate unit’s Faculty Council. (Course definitions are outlined in the SGS Policy and Guidelines on Graduate Courses; see link above.) The School of Graduate Studies has responsibility for maintaining the consistency and integrity of the graduate academic record and graduate student transcripts across the University, including SGS Calendar listings of graduate programs and courses. In order to ensure that graduate course offerings are up-to-date and current, inactive courses are eventually de-activated/archived in ROSI. Occasionally, under particular circumstances and within set timeframes, some courses may be re-activated. If a course is not offered for more than five years it becomes inactive and is archived in ROSI.

SGS & Graduate Unit Procedures

Each spring or summer, graduate units review their course listings in ROSI and the SGS Calendar and notify SGS of courses to be permanently removed from offerings; these courses will be de-activated and archived in ROSI.

Each fall, SGS Information Systems will provide to each graduate unit a list of courses with no enrolments in the past five years, providing a deadline for response.

Each graduate unit will review the list of inactive courses. If the graduate unit has firm plans to offer the course in the sixth year, the course will remain active or be re-activated upon notification to SGS.

SGS will de-activate and archive all other inactive courses on ROSI. 

Courses with no enrolments for six years or more, i.e., have been inactive and archived on ROSI for one year or more, require a new course proposal and Faculty approval. 

A course code may be reused for a new course proposal after five years of inactivity.


For further information about de-activating or re-activating courses or reusing course codes, contact:

Josie Lalonde
Director, Student Academic Services
School of Graduate Studies

For further information about deleting courses or new course proposals, see the graduate minor modifications webpage on the Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs (VPAP) site and download the template for new graduate courses and changes to existing graduate courses. Alternatively, please contact: 

Alexandra Varela
Assistant Coordinator, Academic Change
Vice-Provost, Academic Programs