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Visual Studies

Program Overview

The John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design offers the Master of Visual Studies (MVS) degree program. This two-year, full-time professional program has two fields:

  • Curatorial Studies
  • Studio.

The MVS Curatorial Studies experience evolves within a rich environment structured around historical and contemporary approaches to curatorial practices, in conjunction with developments in the visual art, theory, and critical writing. In particular, MVS Curatorial Studies students will focus on the presentational challenges arising from complex modes of visual expression—from object to installation, from text and image combination, temporal as well as audio and new electronic media—within the increasingly dominant forces of the culture industry. The course of study is designed to offer students ample opportunity for the in-depth development of the subject and contents of the Graduating Exhibition, its full realization for public presentation, and the Qualifying Paper in the form of a Catalogue Essay.

The MVS Studio experience evolves within a rich environment structured around new approaches to visual art production, art theory, critical writing, and professional practice. The MVS Studio is concerned with the increasingly complex modes of visual expression through combinations of text, image, movement, sound, and dynamic new electronic media. Accordingly, the participants will examine contemporary art practice and theory through core courses that will give them ample opportunity to develop skills in a variety of projects and media. MVS Studio students pursue a highly focused investigation within studio practice along with research into contemporary theories exploring the visual and spatial relationships within art and cultural production.

Quick Facts

Domestic International
Application deadline MVS:

Fall 2025 Entry



Fall 2025 Entry


Minimum admission average MVS:

Mid-B in final year of Bachelor’s


Mid-B in final year of Bachelor’s

Direct entry option from bachelor's to PhD? MVS:




Is a supervisor identified before or after admission? MVS:




If a supervisor is identified after admission (as per question above), is admission conditional upon securing a supervisor? MVS:




Is a supervisor assigned by the graduate unit or secured by the applicant? MVS:




Are any standardized tests required/recommended? MVS:




Amir Moghadam

“Amir demonstrates how exceptional scholarship can be combined with impactful leadership to create lasting positive change in higher education”

Amir Moghadam
PhD Student, Institute of Biomedical Engineering , 2025-26 Adel S. Sedra Distinguished Graduate Award
Full Profile